Am I Healed or just Distracted?

I’ve seen this quote of late and wanted to write about it. Let me know our own thoughts in the comments. Namaste.
 This is great question to ask yourself periodically!
Both of these states of mind can feel the same in some ways but of course there are some very distinct differences as well.

When something has left us raw, hurt, disappointed, vulnerable it becomes too much to handle in the moment and we dive into life around us on autopilot. From the time we wake, many use our outer world as a means to ride the wave of life without really thinking about what has been buried beneath. This can go on for quite some time feeling content but there will be triggers that come and these will show us that the pain is still there. A distracted soul, will find the pain resurfaces as soon as they stop to reflect it. When you’re not ready to process the pain, distraction in life is a means for coping. This is okay. Healing is a process that begins when you are ready.
Time heals all wounds, they say. It’s does. But when we use distraction instead of facing the pain, healing time gets extended as we never truly heal from it until you take the time to process through it.
The difference is that a healed soul can find a quiet calm place within and “look” at that event without the resurfacing of the old pain that use to reside there. You feel content with life as it is and appreciate the lessons you have taken from the event as you know you are a stronger version of yourself because of it.
When I was laid off work after putting in 20 years in the geology field, I dove head first into Reiki on the Rock. Granted, it was a passion of mine and I love what I do but a trigger month afterwards resurfaced the pain that was still hidden beneath. The awareness was a little shocking to me that I would use my passion as my distraction. But there it is! I still had not completely healed all aspects of that pain.
Remember, healing is a process.
As I like to say, “There is always another layer to the onion”. We are journeying along our path doing the best we can in each situation and healing as we go.
The quickest way to discern if you are healed or distracted is take a quiet moment to reflect on the situation, and check to see how you feel about it. If you feel content, you are ready for your next lesson along your journey in life.
If you find the pain resurfaces, it’s time to bring them up to the surface, allow the emotions to come, express them in some way, journal, paint, dance, draw etc. Get it up and release them. Find true peace in the knowingness of why that pain occurred for you. As you heal you become a stronger version of you ♥️
Remember this quote below, when we struggle to understand why something has happened in our lives or why we can not move beyond it.
“Sometimes we fall down because there is something down there, we are supposed to find.” ~ Unknown
The pain and hurt you feel from any situation are a reflection of some unhealed part of yourself. If you can sit with yourself and find the root cause then true healing can begin 


The Reiki Journey

